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Our mission is to be the premium choice partner in the bottling industry. We are committed to leading authentic change by providing innovative, sustainable products to customers and consumers. By inspiring smart, healthy choices for consumers we are providing a better, cleaner world for future generations.


Infinitely Recyclable

At its purest, real circularity is the continuous recovery and re-use of materials, with nothing lost during the process. 
100% recyclable aluminium recycles with no degradation sustainability icon
The global recycling rate for aluminium beverage cans stands at 70%, without a doubt making them the world’s most recycled beverage container.
Used beverage cans are around 10 times more valuable than glass, and around six times more valuable than clear PET. Furthermore, their clean, homogenous design, using a material that is endlessly recyclable through simple remelting.
Metal recycles forever aluminium bottle with all features of the bottle

Why Aluminium?

Recyclability of Aluminium

Metal cans are primarily produced using abundant and recycled materials. For instance, the earth’s crust consists of approximately 8% aluminium, and as a result, it is the third most common element.
Additionally, approximately 70% of all aluminium cans are recycled globally, making the can the world’s most recycled packaging product.
Moreover, aluminium is 100% and infinitely recyclable without losing any of its quality, which means it can be reused in various applications to become new products again and again.
The #1 recycled beverage container in the world icon white
Recycling aluminium reduces the energy required to

Information sourced from our partners Ball Corporation

Did You Know?

More than 1 million plastic bottles are consumed every minute.

Bottled water offers unmatched convenience, without having to mention the benefits of staying hydrated throughout the day, particularly when you are on the go. We recognize that our customers still want the convenience of clean, crisp and refreshing water while avoiding contributing to the ongoing plastic crisis that plagues our earth.

Over 90% of plastic never gets recycled, it finds its way into landfills and our oceans.

recycle water bottle icon white

Less than 30% of plastic bottles are recycled, most are actually “down-cycled.” Down-cycling occurs when a material is remade into an item of lower quality.

plastic in the ocean icon white

It is estimated that by 2050, plastic bottles will outweigh the fish in our oceans.

It is important to realize that more than 250 ocean species have already been impacted by the plastic pollution crisis, sadly this number continues to grow at alarming rates.

Build Your Brand

Boost brand awareness and promote your business with custom bottled water! Together with our design team, you can create a fully customized water bottle that your customers will love and remember.

Refresh. Refill. Recycle.

Our bottles are specifically designed for future generations, crafted for the eco-conscious consumer who appreciates the circularity of aluminum. Refill as many times as you want to have water on the go!


Ball is committed to doing what they can to move toward a truly circular economy where materials can be – and actually are – used again and again.